Today, another to serve my Lord and He is still on the throne. I am so excited to see how the Lord is working in younger Christian lifes. This past week-end at church our pastor was out of town so our pastor used other men in church to hold the preaching hours.
In our Sunday morning service Bro. Caleb talked about Malachi and how God uses burdens to help us grow for HIM. My mom told me one day Burdens are gifts from God. Think about it who do you depend on through a trial or a burden that are troubling you. We all need these trials because it draws us closer to God we depend on HIM more during these times.
In our evening service Bro. Jon talked about walking in the newness of life when we became a Christian. His text was taken from Romans 6:1-4. Living a Christian life should be something we desire to do and want to do. We need to not let sin continue to become a dominion over us once we become a Christian we need to show forth a change in our life. In order to do this we need to stay in church, stay in the Bible, and stay in prayer with the Lord. We all have the opporutinity to slip back into the world and doing wrong even after we become a Christian because of our old flesh we are human still and the old desires try to slip back in.
This is the way we all should be I never want my Lord and Saviour to become a habit for me to serve. I want to always serve HIM because I love HIM. I want to keep that excitement in my life of serving HIM.
August 23rd and 24th
Well, Saturday the two younger boys and I went to Kentucky. We live about thirty mintues from the Kentucky were we live at now. I told my hubby I can see my KY mountains from here. I really do like where we live at now I just wish we had one more bedroom and a great room for entertainment. I went over to Middlesboro and shopped for about five hours. It was a good day and we got some things we needed.
Sunday, was a good day I had to teach Sunday School this morning my hubby had a head ache. I just used the same lesson for both hours. We talked about Daniel and the Lions Den. I think sometimes God just gives you a little lesson even though those stories we have read and heard several times growing up. God does protect his own even if the enemies happens to be a pack of lions have you even thought about it that way. It was amazing that Daniel did not even have a scratch on him the next morning after spending the night with these lions. Our God is awesome.
Sunday, was a good day I had to teach Sunday School this morning my hubby had a head ache. I just used the same lesson for both hours. We talked about Daniel and the Lions Den. I think sometimes God just gives you a little lesson even though those stories we have read and heard several times growing up. God does protect his own even if the enemies happens to be a pack of lions have you even thought about it that way. It was amazing that Daniel did not even have a scratch on him the next morning after spending the night with these lions. Our God is awesome.
August 23rd
Well, we went to school yesterday to the little church in Sneedville. The pastor and his wife seem very nice and down to earth. Her mother also attends the church and will be one of the teachers in the learning center. I was a little hesitate at first of the location of the school. Actually, you could say drive up this mountain weekly "NOT". I thought only huge mountains exist in Kentucky I think I just found one of the most beautiful views in East Tennessee. It was like God was showing me just wait and observe listen and then cast your judgement or decision and within the hour I had my answer. Just pray for us as we continue to train up our children for the Lord. God gives us children to raise them up for His glory and not for our glory and honour. My prayer is that each of my boys grow up to be Bible sounded young men.
While at the school after talking to the pastor since I have prior experience in the A.C.E. curriculum I was offered a job. I knew then I was in God's will. I had pray about this and God answer my prayers. I am very excited about this for the boys. We had hesitated on leaving our school we have attended since 2005 for the boys, but God's still on the throne and he knows what is best for us. It is hard to leave a place you are use to or familiar with, but sometimes God redirects your life even when you can not seem to understand. We ??? our Saviour. The question I have for myself is WHY?? do I have any authority to question my Saviour. Father Knows Best.... Always!!! Yeah!! I have someone who knows my future and if I will let HIM then HE will lead the path.
While at the school after talking to the pastor since I have prior experience in the A.C.E. curriculum I was offered a job. I knew then I was in God's will. I had pray about this and God answer my prayers. I am very excited about this for the boys. We had hesitated on leaving our school we have attended since 2005 for the boys, but God's still on the throne and he knows what is best for us. It is hard to leave a place you are use to or familiar with, but sometimes God redirects your life even when you can not seem to understand. We ??? our Saviour. The question I have for myself is WHY?? do I have any authority to question my Saviour. Father Knows Best.... Always!!! Yeah!! I have someone who knows my future and if I will let HIM then HE will lead the path.
God's Mighty Protection
This morning my Saviour show his mighty protection. For anyone that knows me I am highly allergic to bee stings. I must have medication on hand at all times. I went out on my back deck just for a free second really to talk to Robbie. When I came into the house a large bee was on my neck near or very near my scare from my surgery I had in March of this year. Anyway, I knock it off and it stung me on my finger. I took my medication along with some bee sting kit rub. It dawn on me just free minutes later how being stung in the neck could have been extremely dangerous for me. I am just thanking and praising God for his mighty protection.
August 20th
I hope today my children will be more loving and obedient. I talk to my God about this as I laid my head down to sleep last night.
Romans 12:10 Be kindly affectioned one in another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; verse 12:12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.
I know my God directed me to these scriptures this morning. I loved my job as a mother would not trade it for any other occupation but some days you just want to run away for a few hours. I believe to be a successful mother is continue prayer and you need patience. In my personal devotion today this really was like BOND letters to me.
Today's Pray Read: For God to give all members of your family the desire to serve one another and that they would feel no compulsion to compete to be the "first in line."
Romans 12:10 Be kindly affectioned one in another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; verse 12:12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.
I know my God directed me to these scriptures this morning. I loved my job as a mother would not trade it for any other occupation but some days you just want to run away for a few hours. I believe to be a successful mother is continue prayer and you need patience. In my personal devotion today this really was like BOND letters to me.
Today's Pray Read: For God to give all members of your family the desire to serve one another and that they would feel no compulsion to compete to be the "first in line."
Sweeter than Chocolate
I have a devotional book called "Keys for Kids" for my boys. I read these when I was growing up there webiste is In today's devotion we learned how God's Word should be more sweeter to us than any chocolate. "God wants you to be hungry for His Word--the Bible- more than your're hungry for any of the things of this world-even more than you crave a food or a video game, or a television show and etc. Psalm 119:103 How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to the mouth!
Let's all put God first in ever decision we make today.
Let's all put God first in ever decision we make today.
August 19th
Sometimes God needs to give us a good thump in the head to wake us up. The question how do we respond to the knocks and blows and trials of life. Do we rejoice or sing, or do we complain and fret.
Luke 6:45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. As hard as life may be sometimes God as a purpose we just have to except it and realize HE holds the future and HE knows the outcome. Yes, this is a lesson for me personally to take heed to currently in my life. Although, it is easier said than done. My prayer is that I become successful in my daily walk with the LORD JESUS and more obedient to his HOLY WORD>
Luke 6:45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. As hard as life may be sometimes God as a purpose we just have to except it and realize HE holds the future and HE knows the outcome. Yes, this is a lesson for me personally to take heed to currently in my life. Although, it is easier said than done. My prayer is that I become successful in my daily walk with the LORD JESUS and more obedient to his HOLY WORD>
August 18th Storms of life
Sometimes God just wants to move us to the next level of FAITH. We want to stay in our little infant level of faith. God wants to try to get us over to the other side of faith. God allows storms in our life just to show us what we are really made of. We really need to realize a storm cannot hurt us that it can only raise you up to the next level of faith. Like Peter in the Matthew 14 when he was focus on God he was okay, but once he let his eyes off God he lost it. We are not going through the fire for nothing God has a purpose. When we say yes to GOD go ahead and take me to the next level then Satan is ready to attack.
I know in my own life when I was facing my surgery. I was scared but I knew God was in control of the outcome. I told my God whatever the outcome I would still served HIM even if I came out paralyzed. I told my mom I knew the outcome of that statement would mean a storm to go through for my GOD. God seen me through my surgery and yes today I still have mini complications from that surgery my body is still not healed completely. Now, with Gracie and Ashton in our life's I see God working again even if it for me to show my faith for HIM for this family. I know this family certainly needs to be brought back to GOD they left HIM a long time ago and seem to have no desire to go back to HIM.
I know my mother's health has really gotten my sisters and I to realize just how quickly God can take someone out of our life's we would all be lost without. My mother family has a strong interest for them all to get together for fellowship and family talk time. Be in prayer that beautiful and peaceful memories will be made with this family time.
Just remember a storm we are going through or being faced with in the near future HE is still there and will go through it with us. Remember the footprints show only one set of footsteps because HE is lifting us up and is right there with us.
I know in my own life when I was facing my surgery. I was scared but I knew God was in control of the outcome. I told my God whatever the outcome I would still served HIM even if I came out paralyzed. I told my mom I knew the outcome of that statement would mean a storm to go through for my GOD. God seen me through my surgery and yes today I still have mini complications from that surgery my body is still not healed completely. Now, with Gracie and Ashton in our life's I see God working again even if it for me to show my faith for HIM for this family. I know this family certainly needs to be brought back to GOD they left HIM a long time ago and seem to have no desire to go back to HIM.
I know my mother's health has really gotten my sisters and I to realize just how quickly God can take someone out of our life's we would all be lost without. My mother family has a strong interest for them all to get together for fellowship and family talk time. Be in prayer that beautiful and peaceful memories will be made with this family time.
Just remember a storm we are going through or being faced with in the near future HE is still there and will go through it with us. Remember the footprints show only one set of footsteps because HE is lifting us up and is right there with us.
August 17th

Well, there is no b-day today in the family. Although, tomorrow we have two more birthdays. Yesterday, we went to Kinsgport to pick up Gracie pictures. Mom and dad went with us and we ate lunch for mom's birthday. We had a good time. We all got in one vehicle although we were packed like sardines. We need a 15 passenger van when we all go somewhere now.
August 15th
Today is another special day in our family. Mother has a birthday today. We all have certainly loved and cherish her. She is a wonderful mother I thank God for a christian mother. Herself and I talked just Wednesday and how thankful we both were that dad and herself became to know our Lord and Saviour. Mother was saved just before I was born in December of 1972 and then dad was saved in the beginning of the next year in 1973.
My mom has always been there for my sisters and I and we want to always be there for her. Just continue to pray for her and that God would bless her with good health.
My mom has always been there for my sisters and I and we want to always be there for her. Just continue to pray for her and that God would bless her with good health.
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
August 14th Friends
Today, a big day in the Stiles house. We got Gracie back last night after a long seven days nana had vacation. Nevaeh Grace today is her 1st birthday. I guess you can say God worked that out someone did not plan their vacation correctly.
My friend Janell has been in from Indiana this week and we are very close friends she is one of those that is as close as a sister. Believe me she was their for me threw the entire process with the adoption of our three boys every court date. She would stop by and tell Adam and I we needed a night out and she would just babysit and clean house while I was gone. I cried my eyes for days when God moved them to Indiana I needed her, but God was moving them. For both of us we wonder why God had chosen to move their family they were so needed in our church. When we went on vacation in July we stopped in and spent a night with her family and her on the way back home to Tennessee. We have had so great times this week.
Proverbs 17:17 .... A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 18:24... A man that hath friends must show himself friendly, and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. God gives us friends in our life's that our angels on earth I believe our helper in time of need our prayer warrior. God brings so people together just because he knows what and who is best for our life's.
Today, lets all be thankful for our friends God has given us.
My friend Janell has been in from Indiana this week and we are very close friends she is one of those that is as close as a sister. Believe me she was their for me threw the entire process with the adoption of our three boys every court date. She would stop by and tell Adam and I we needed a night out and she would just babysit and clean house while I was gone. I cried my eyes for days when God moved them to Indiana I needed her, but God was moving them. For both of us we wonder why God had chosen to move their family they were so needed in our church. When we went on vacation in July we stopped in and spent a night with her family and her on the way back home to Tennessee. We have had so great times this week.
Proverbs 17:17 .... A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 18:24... A man that hath friends must show himself friendly, and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. God gives us friends in our life's that our angels on earth I believe our helper in time of need our prayer warrior. God brings so people together just because he knows what and who is best for our life's.
Today, lets all be thankful for our friends God has given us.
August 13th
Today, I new day to wake up to walk with HIM. Bro. Bernard from Virginia Beach ,VA today is talking about repent. Today the world thinks well I ask for forgiveness so now GOD when are you going to bless me. The truth is when we truly repent there will be a change in our life's not just saying of the words.... I am sorry and ask God for forgiveness, but our actions have to prove we are truly sorry for our sins. Yes, we repent but the first opportunity for us to commit that sin again we jump right back in. God is long.......suffering but not stupid you know. He is not going to continue letting one to continue in the same sin over and over.
Galatians 5:22-24 (KJV) But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace and longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, (Verse 23)... Meekness, temperance, against such there is no law. (Verse 24)... And they that are Christ's so have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. There needs to be a change in our lifes we need not to make promises to God that we are not going to commit to. Satan is always there trying to deceive us (devour) he likes a lion seeking whom he may pulled in and bring temptation right in front of us.
2 Timothy 2:22(KJV) Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
Galatians 5:22-24 (KJV) But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace and longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, (Verse 23)... Meekness, temperance, against such there is no law. (Verse 24)... And they that are Christ's so have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. There needs to be a change in our lifes we need not to make promises to God that we are not going to commit to. Satan is always there trying to deceive us (devour) he likes a lion seeking whom he may pulled in and bring temptation right in front of us.
2 Timothy 2:22(KJV) Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
August 12th
We had a very busy day. I had to clean the house from top to bottom I had a girl friend and two of her children stop by from Indiana for dinner. We had a full course meal really to much food. The boys call it moms buffet when I cook that much. We had a very nice visit with my friend. I am truly bless by her and her family and so grateful to God that they are a part of my life and they are such a blessing to my family and I. Please pray for her daughter her oldest Stefanie she is sick and they need to have test ran on her to find out why. Just be in special prayer for her.
This has been a unusual week so far but God is in control and He knows what the future holds. II Timothy 2:12 If we suffer, we shall also reigh with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us: I have chosen to let HIM lead since HE knows and holds the future.
This has been a unusual week so far but God is in control and He knows what the future holds. II Timothy 2:12 If we suffer, we shall also reigh with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us: I have chosen to let HIM lead since HE knows and holds the future.
August 11th
Today, another to wake to another day to serve HIM. Our Creator, Provider, Assurance, and our Maker. HE is my all my Guidance and my FATHER. In this morning devotional I realize just how blessed I am to have a loving, devoted, and caring husband. Any of us that have been in a marriage for 10 years or longer need to be grateful. When Jonathan was in the play at WSCC I just realize how blessed I truly am for a loving husband. There is a lady named Tammy I meant what a mess she is in a divorce lady with three children and no vechile. They live in Morristown city limits so they walk everywhere or friends are helping her out right now. I can not believe her ex-husband who lives in Morristown who is very much a part of the childrens life but not there for her at all. I would think he would help her out with the purchase of a car.
How truly bless all of us ladies are that have supportive husband that will work to provide our needs. We all need to thank God for what we are given by HIM. We can not stand alone I Corinthians 10:12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. I think I need to claim that verse today. Those in my life right now are thinking they can stand alone in their circumstances are going to fall unless they claim HIM first and foremost. Just pray for Gracie, Ashton, and Alleigha family that these individuals will turn their lifes back to GOD and claim HIM first instead of themselves trying to live life without HIM.
How truly bless all of us ladies are that have supportive husband that will work to provide our needs. We all need to thank God for what we are given by HIM. We can not stand alone I Corinthians 10:12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. I think I need to claim that verse today. Those in my life right now are thinking they can stand alone in their circumstances are going to fall unless they claim HIM first and foremost. Just pray for Gracie, Ashton, and Alleigha family that these individuals will turn their lifes back to GOD and claim HIM first instead of themselves trying to live life without HIM.
August 10th
Well, the chicken house is almost completed he has worked on this all weekend. I am glad it is about done. He just lacks the roof and door and it will be completed. He just loves to build things if he would just build me something it would be nice. I have joked with the boys about it being their new school house.
Today was a good day at church and we have ten little ones in childrens church ages 3-6. I think the older children were 8 of them today were wired today that is for sure against it were school starts back tomorrow for most of them. Our boys start back on the 18th of August.
Today was a good day at church and we have ten little ones in childrens church ages 3-6. I think the older children were 8 of them today were wired today that is for sure against it were school starts back tomorrow for most of them. Our boys start back on the 18th of August.
A New Day to Serve HIM!!
Well, my hubby took the week-end off work and he plans to get things done around here. He is workign a new project we are going to raise some chicken in the backyard. The boys are so excited. Adam started building the chicken coop yesterday.
Mom had a putting good day yesterday. We went shopping for Jonathan and Kenny yesterday we have a b-day party tomorrow for them at the new Fun Expedition in Morristown.
With everything going on in my life I had to just leave it in God's hand. He is the great healer and the Neurologist referred to HIM yesterday as the one with HIGHER POWER he himself can only make recommendation, make suggestions by the training he has had in the past and etc. I heard a message about two ago and the preacher took his text from 2 Corinthians 12:9... My grace is sufficient for thee; my strength is made perfect in weakness.... I know God gave my sister the strength to be there for my mother when she was having the stroke and HE also gave my mom the strength to pull through. She is still very weak and gets tired very easy and I keep telling her that is normal. Just continue to pray for her and I greatly appreciate the prayers that have been sent up for her. May my God bless you today has HE has already blessed me with another day to serve HIM.
Mom had a putting good day yesterday. We went shopping for Jonathan and Kenny yesterday we have a b-day party tomorrow for them at the new Fun Expedition in Morristown.
With everything going on in my life I had to just leave it in God's hand. He is the great healer and the Neurologist referred to HIM yesterday as the one with HIGHER POWER he himself can only make recommendation, make suggestions by the training he has had in the past and etc. I heard a message about two ago and the preacher took his text from 2 Corinthians 12:9... My grace is sufficient for thee; my strength is made perfect in weakness.... I know God gave my sister the strength to be there for my mother when she was having the stroke and HE also gave my mom the strength to pull through. She is still very weak and gets tired very easy and I keep telling her that is normal. Just continue to pray for her and I greatly appreciate the prayers that have been sent up for her. May my God bless you today has HE has already blessed me with another day to serve HIM.
Adam fixed the computer now I can post to my computer on my blog. I am so excited now I can get in the website more often.
Mom came home today and she is doing great. The MRI reveals that she certainly had a mini stroke in fact she has had several mini stroke that she did not even know about. She is going to be seeing an Neurologist now here in town. She will be taking blood thinner also now. We are just so grateful God allowed her to pull through this. We all are so grateful that my sister Amy and my husband was their with her when this happened. That God had given Amy the strength and the knowledge to know what to do that help talk her out of going into a massive stroke. The doctor in ER told Amy she did a great job. Amy is familiar with a stroke symptoms because of being in the medical field herself. Just continue to pray for her and the days ahead.
Mom came home today and she is doing great. The MRI reveals that she certainly had a mini stroke in fact she has had several mini stroke that she did not even know about. She is going to be seeing an Neurologist now here in town. She will be taking blood thinner also now. We are just so grateful God allowed her to pull through this. We all are so grateful that my sister Amy and my husband was their with her when this happened. That God had given Amy the strength and the knowledge to know what to do that help talk her out of going into a massive stroke. The doctor in ER told Amy she did a great job. Amy is familiar with a stroke symptoms because of being in the medical field herself. Just continue to pray for her and the days ahead.
New Day!!
Yes, today we are determined to have a better day. Well, we have Gracie and Ashton for the week-end. Just pray for us it will be extremely busy this week-end with all these kids and Jonathan second week-end of play performances. I guess I am being used like a used book. Just pray for us that all this will become a advantage for us with how often we have the kids.
God allows us to be brought down to our weakest bottom to bring back up high for HIM. When we are at our weakest God will be at HIS strongest for us.
God allows us to be brought down to our weakest bottom to bring back up high for HIM. When we are at our weakest God will be at HIS strongest for us.
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